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Horatio Csi Miami Meme

Horatio CSI Miami: The Iconic Meme

The Original CSI Meme

The original CSI Miami meme features Horatio Caine, a character played by David Caruso, arriving at a crime scene and engaging in banter with his team. The meme typically features a screenshot of Caine wearing his signature sunglasses and saying "YEAAAAAAH!"

Variations of the Meme

There are many variations of the CSI Miami meme, some of which have become popular in their own right. For example, the "Horatio Caine CSI Miami Meme Generator" allows users to create their own memes featuring Caine's image and text.

Other popular variations of the meme include:

  • The "CSI Miami 4-panes" meme, which features four panels of Caine investigating a crime scene, each panel featuring a different caption.
  • The "Horatio Caine CSI Miami YEEEEEAH!" meme, which features a video clip of Caine saying "YEAAAAAAH!"
  • The "Horatio Caine CSI Miami Sunglasses" meme, which features a picture of Caine wearing his sunglasses.
  • The Impact of the Meme

    The CSI Miami meme has become a popular way to express excitement, sarcasm, or disbelief. The meme has been used in a variety of contexts, including online forums, social media, and even television shows.

    The meme has also been credited with helping to popularize the CSI Miami television series. The show has been on the air since 2002 and has spawned several spin-offs.
